how to make a nft and sell it

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast and an early adopter of blockchain technology, I know that there is a lot to get into when it comes to this emerging technology. One thing that I was not aware of before learning about the blockchain was non-fungible tokens.


Non-fungible tokens are a digital representation of a commodity which cannot be substituted with another one in the same category. This differs from traditional fungible currencies in many ways because its units cannot be divided into fractions or even replaced with something else. The key to selling a Non-Fungible Token is making the token have intrinsic value to it.


If your token doesn't have any intrinsic value, you won't be able to sell it for anything more than the ETH that you paid for it.This article will take you through an example of creating a coin and selling it in order to show you what not to do when trying to sell your Non-Fungible Token. A non-fungible token is one that can be distinguished from other tokens on the blockchain.


They are unique and may each have different properties or attributes. One of the most common examples of an NFT is CryptoKitties where each token has its own set of traits which may enhance, reduce or modify their value.

As CryptoKitties are non-fungible tokens they cannot be divided up between users so they are considered to be indivisible digital assets. One of the first questions we started getting from crypto newbies is “How do I make my own tokens?” So we’re going to show you just that.


This guide should be enough for you to start doing your own ICOs and see the power of building a new token together with our technology. If you want to know more about why it can be such a powerful thing, take a look at our article on how blockchain and tokens work.


Setup Your Ethereum Wallet and Sync With The Network: We recommend using MetaMask as your browser extension for this website. Non-fungible tokens differ from fungible tokens in that they do not have interchangeable values, meaning their ownership is secure and less prone to theft or loss. In this article, we will show you the basics of generating a crypto asset on the Ethereum blockchain without any programming knowledge required.


First, we will explain how to make your asset's header with a description of its qualities and attributes including its name, symbol and total supply in Ethereum currency. Then we'll show you how to compile the smart contract that defines your token's logic and defines what happens when someone wants to transfer ownership of it or buy some from you.
